Major Leon SPENCER, USAF, Sept. 17, 1924 - December 28, 2016
WWII Glider Pilot Historian and Research Group Lead/Advisor

On December 28th 2016 the Association’s Research Team lost their beloved leader. Leon B. Spencer, the National WW II Glider Pilots Association's historian, was instrumental in developing the research team. He guided and advised the team. He was a valuable asset to the team’s ability to verify details he knew by experience and or years of study. He studied all aspects of the glider program and troop carrier history; training, combat, towing, snatching, construction of the CG–4A glider, and the history of each troop carrier group. He wrote many articles on his areas of study and also wrote many biographical papers on numerous troop carrier veterans and friends. January of 2017 in memory of Leon we have named our team the Leon B. Spencer Research Team.

Starting in the Army Air Corps Leon graduated from Advanced Glider Training at Dalhart, Texas (Class 43-4) in February 1943 as a Flight Officer. Twenty four years later Leon retired from the Air Force. Leon is an expert in communication systems and was responsible for modernization of the communications systems in Air Force One. Through both his first hand experience of being a glider pilot during WWII, as well as conducting research since then, Leon has become a top historian in the area of WWII Troop Carrier and combat glider history.

In 2007 Leon received the Bickett Ellington Memorial Award for outstanding service in the interest of the National World War II Glider Pilots Association, Inc.

Leon's many published works include:
26th Mobile Reclamation and Repair Squadron: A Concise History, 2002
Night Glider Retrieval in Burma, 2014. Co Author, Charles Day
They Flew into Battle on Silent Wings, 2010
WWII U.S. Army Air Force Glider Aerial Retrieval System, 2007
Development and Use of the Waco CG-4A Cargo Glider Decleration Parachute, 2003
Glider Tow Ropes: World War II Military Gliders, 2003
The Wizards of Crookham Common, 1999

Leon has contributed greatly to every aspect of this website with his advice and writings; from training, missions, snatches, and knowledge of the CG-4A glider. Leon was a cofounder and lead researcher for the Association’s Research Team.

Staff sergeant Leon B. Spencer, glider student, in Spencer, Iowa, at pre-glider training school in setember 1942.

Staff Sergeant Leon B. Spencer, glider student, dressed in winter flight clothing in Vinita, Oklahoma, at basic glider school in October 1942.

Leon flying a CG-4A glider at sedalia Army Air Base, Missouri, in May 1945

Flight Officer Leon B. Spencer at tactical training school in Laurinburg-Maxton Army Air Base, North carolina, in January 1945. Standing to his left is General George C. Marshall, Chief of Staff of the US, Army, and later Secetary of State. Standing next to General Marshall is colonel Ellsworth P. Curry, commander of the Glider Crew training School at LMAAB. They are witnessing a firepower demonstatrion conducted by glider pilots.